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Image by Wolf Zimmermann

Innovative ideas, creative projects, social change

I'm Agnese Pastorino, Ph.D.
Social Scientist and Communication Specialist

About Agnese

Agnese, Ph.D., is a sociologist and communication specialist with expertise in youth, children, health, digital skills, media literacy, Internet policy, mixed and online research methods, education, gender-based violence, and emergency response. Since November 2020, she has been a member of the External Review Panel of Education Cannot Wait at UNICEF in Geneva. Additionally, since June 2018, she has been an associate researcher in sociology at Sorbonne University in Paris.

From 2020 to 2023, Agnese worked at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and UNICEF country offices in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Her roles involved skills in infodemic management, risk communication, community engagement, science and knowledge translation, social science research, and advocacy.

Agnese was awarded a Marie Curie fellowship by the European Commission and completed her Ph.D. in sociology and social psychology at the Schools of Medicine of Sorbonne University (Faculty of Human and Social Sciences) and Sapienza University (Department of Developmental and Social Psychology). As an international scholar, she has been a member of several scientific associations in communication and social sciences, including the ICA, IAMCR, ESA, and ECREA. She has also published numerous works.

Past projects

There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse my site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for my style.

Agnese Pastorino, Ph.D. - Social Scientist and Communication Specialist
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Salerno, Italy

Geneva, Switzerland



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