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List of publications

Please give a look at my list of publications, organized in this order: a. Journal articles; b. Policy brief;  c. Book chapters; d. Papers; e. Posters; f. Invited lectures. If interested, don't hesitate to click on each publication to read it.   

​a. Journal articles 

1. Journal article published in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2023: 
2. Journal article published in the European Journal of Public Health, August 2022 


3. Journal article published in Jurnal Komunikasi, Malaysia, 2020: 

b. Policy brief 

4. Policy brief and synthesis report written for the WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2022: 

c. Book chapters ​

5. Book chapter in “MIL Cities, a new vision of UNESCO”, Cuban Ministry of Education (MINED), Cuba, 2021: 


6. Book chapter published within “Cultural Studies in the Digital Age”, San Diego State University, 2020 


d. Papers 


7. Papers presented at the APHA Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2023: 


8. Papers presented at the IAMCR Conference, Nairobi, 2021: 


9. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Prague, Czech, 2018 

10. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, USA, 2017 
11. Paper presented at the MediAsia Conference, Kobe, Japan. 2016: 


12. Papers presented at the ECREA European Communication Research and Education Association Conference, Prague, Czech, 2016: 


13. Paper presented at the Winter School on Internet Studies, Salerno, Italy, 2013: 


e. Posters 


14. Posters presented at the MIE Medical Informatics Europe 2023 Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden: 
  • White, B., Ishizumi, A., Yau, B., Wright, A., Lavery, L., Nguyen, T., Briand, S. Zecchin, T., Pastorino, A., Purnat, T. D., Narrative trends over the COVID-19 pandemic: Digital social listening to inform WHO infodemic management, MIE Medical Informatics Europe 2023 conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2023 (poster presentation)

  • White, B., Cabalero, I., Nguyen, T., Briand, S., Pastorino, A., Purnat, T. D. An adaptive digital intelligence system to support infodemic management: the WHO EARS platform, MIE Medical Informatics Europe 2023 conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2023 (poster presentation)

f. Invited lectures

15. Invited lecture at the Ilomata International Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022: 
  • Pastorino, A. (2022). Contribution of Communication Science to a more Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Recovery. Ilomata International Conference, A More Inclusive and Sustainable World Economic Recovery, Jakarta, Indonesia (invited speaker’s lecture)


16. Invited lecture at the International Communication Conference, Indonesia, 2019: 
  • Pastorino, A. (2019, November 13). Freedom of expression and children protection within the European political debate concerning audiovisual sexual contents on the Internet. Lecture presented at the International Communication Conference 2019 with the theme: “Nationality Without Boundaries: Communication and Media Challenges in Building Social Solidarity”, invited by the Indonesia Communication Scholars Association (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia - ISKI), and in collaboration with Faculty of Communication of Universitas Padjadjaran, Banda Aceh, Indonesia (invited lecture)

17. Invited lecture at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2019 
  • Pastorino, A. (2019, November 16) How to Surf the Turbulence of Information in Digital Era, Indonesia Universitas - Public Relations Study Program, Jakarta, Indonesia (invited lecture)

18. Invited lecture at the San Diego State University, San Diego, USA, 2019 
  • Pastorino, A. (2019, February 19, San Diego, California). The Perils and Pleasures of the Audiovisual on the Web. Ethical Challenges in Media Uses and Policy-Making. Lecture presented at the Wenderlmoot Symposium Series in the San Diego State University, San Diego, USA (invited lecture)

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